Frequently Updated Maps and their Public Display


  • Michael P. Peterson University of Nebraska at Omaha
  • Paul Hunt Department of Geography / Geology, University of Nebraska at Omaha



The display of maps on computer monitors in a public setting can be used to emphasize their value in conveying spatial patterns. For thematic maps, by removing the possibility for interaction, more attention can be focused on the mapped distributions. Maps that lend themselves best for public display are those that are frequently updated, such as weather maps. Other types of frequently updated maps (FUMs) include those of earthquakes, air pollution, and health conditions, such as the spread of a virus. These types of maps are increasingly provided through the internet in an interactive format, making the resultant maps less suited for public display. Described here are available maps that could be displayed in a public setting, and a method to make maps for quick display based on available data. A series of these maps can then be assembled and shown in a continuous loop. The display of maps for the public can be implemented using the low-cost, Raspberry Pi computer. Maps that are suitable for public display, instructions for implementation, and the required code are available at:

Author Biography

Michael P. Peterson, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Michael Peterson is a professor in the Department of Geography / Geology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha




How to Cite

Peterson, M. P., & Hunt, P. (2021). Frequently Updated Maps and their Public Display. Cartographic Perspectives, (97), 43–50.



Practical Cartographer's Corner